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Location: IO64XB
Equipment used:
SDRplay RSPDX; Bonito Boni miniwhip anetnna at 7 metres above ground; SDR Console; and PskovNDB
I also have a SDRplay RSP1A that I use for navtex and other data mode decoding, SDRuno software and I also have a JRC NRD 525 general coverage receiver as a back-up to my two SDR receivers
Normal NDB reception is done using a scheduled 12 minute recording, normally about 0100 local. The choice of a twelve minute recording is a throw back to the days of marine NDB chains; each chain had six beacons with each allocated a one minute transmission slot. It also allows for short term propagation changes that may cause NDBs to drift in or out during the recording period. This is then run through PskovNDB the following day, at my conveience, with this software showing NDBs received. This system has the advantage of me getting a night's sleep and. more importantly, no struggling to physically hear various NDB signals that may be on the same frequency as the visual display of signals in PskovNDB makes it much easier to identify various signals on the same frequency. Normally I now schedule a reception of the NDB band using a 500kHz bandwidth every second or third night.
Beacons Received
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